Getting the most out of your Sergeant Wallet

Last week we chatted about lightening up your everyday carry. Spring Weather is in full swing and Summer is right around the corner!

The best way we can think to help you lighten things up is through our ultra slim Sergeant Wallet. So, we wanted to offer some quick tips for getting the most out of this unique little wallet!

Recycled Firefighter Sergeant Wallet


Pack only the necessities

If you're new to packing a card style wallet, you're probably going to need to purge your existing wallet and slim it down quite a bit. Chances are you have a lot of unnecessary cards and stuff in there.

Our Sergeant Wallet is made to carry 4-8 Cards. The capacity is dependent upon what material you purchase. Fire Hose is always a little tighter, so it'll hold less cards. While the Hypalon, Leather & Vinyl materials are generally more giving in terms of spaciousness.


Recycled Firefighter Sergeant Wallet


Organize your cards in order of importance

We recommend keeping your most used cards front & center. If you find yourself using your bank card most often, keep it in the front so it's easy to slip in and out.

Just the same - For your drivers license and concealed carry license, keep them in the very back as the last 1 or 2 cards. This is also an easy to access location in the Sergeant wallet, so you won't have to go riffling through your entire stack of cards if you need to show them for any reason.


Recycled Firefighter Sergeant Wallet


Fold your Dollar Bills

By folding your dollar bills into 3rd's you'll get the most out of the cash strap on the back of your Sergeant Wallet. It looks cleaner this way, they're less likely to fall out by getting caught on stuff and it's how we designed cash to be inserted.


Recycled Firefighter Sergeant Wallet


Carry Options For The Win

If you didn't already know this, the Sergeant is not your typical wallet. It was designed as a Front Pocket Wallet. Sure, you can still carry it as a back pocket wallet. But its slim profile make it perfect to shove down into a front jean pocket, or even a shirt pocket if you would like. Carry options for the win!

These different carry options are not only fun to play with and give you a lot of versatility in your everyday carry. But front pocket carry is a lot safer, since most pick-pocketing incidents are likely to occur from behind. So, do yourself a solid and make it harder on those pesky thieves!



'Till Next Week Folks!

Alrighty guys & gals, that does it for us this week! We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and are able to get out and enjoy some of this nicer weather!

Drop us a comment below if you have any questions at all, or ever need anything. We always love hearing from you!


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