August Community Features

You guys were awesome in the month of August! There were so many awesome photos over on Instagram that used our #RecycledFirefighter hashtag and we wanted to feature 5 of those today! If you're new to our Community Features, check out this article to learn more about how to get featured.
12 Hour Battalion Bag in use by @adventureshawn
Black Hypalon Inspector in use by @tacticaljoe
Blue & Black Nomex Handkerchief in use by @daddyo_edc

Lots of RF Gear in use by @jonny_villa_
Firehose Sergeant Wallet in use by @heyopey
Keep Tagging!
Want to be featured here? Keep tagging us on Instagram with #RecycledFirefighter and #RecycledFirefighterEDC to double your chances of being featured! We try to do these community features every other month here on the blog. But we, of course, keep an eye on our hashtags all the time and could not be more thankful for your all's continued support! We also love seeing where you all take the Recycled Firefighter brand and how you're using it...That has to be one of the coolest things about social media!
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