Everyday Carry Belts

I can still remember the day I traded in my el-cheapo Walmart belt for a gun belt....Ahhh the relief that new belt brought to all of the pants-sagging caused by my everyday carry gun (a Glock 22, at the time)!

American Made Everyday Carry Belt


Why do you need an Everyday Carry Belt?

The number one reason why you need a solid Everyday Carry Belt, or a "Gun Belt" is for your own comfort.

These types of belts (our unreleased ones specifically) are made from some intense webbed nylon that has enough flex so it's comfortable, but won't fold over when you add something to your waistband (a holster, knife sheath, etc).


Everyday Carry Belt 2017


To safely carry your gear:
The number one rule of carrying any kind of deadly weapon (specifically a firearm) is to do it safely.

Like a good holster, a solid belt adds a level of security and safety to your everyday carry load out. A thick, rigid gun/edc belt will keep your holster or knife sheath stationary and will prevent it from wobbling all around on your hip.


Recycled Firefighter Belt


Well, I don't carry a gun...Why do I need one?
Awesome question! An everyday carry belt, like the ones we're going to be releasing isn't just for gun-toting peeps. If you are looking for a belt that is super secure, will stay tight throughout the day and hold your pants up well...This is the belt for you.

Our upcoming Everyday Carry Belts are made with either rigger buckles or cobra buckles, for an incredible lock up that won't come loose. We've also added a velcro closure system so it stays tight and secure when you've synched it up to your desired fit.


Everyday Carry Belt 2017


Everyday Carry Belt 2017

So when will these puppies be released?
We're currently testing these belts to ensure they are 110% before we hand them over to you guys! We're testing some buckles and the overall design. But a safe bet is in around 2 months or so...Keep your eyes peeled on our Instagram for the release date!


Everyday Carry Belt for Men


Have questions about the new belts?
Feel free to drop us a comment below! We'd be happy to chat with you all about them if you have questions.

And as always, follow us on Instagram and Facebook if you haven't already! We'll keep you all up to date on the everyday carry belts, as well as a lot more!

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