Best Everyday Carry Knife under 50

Nothing in the everyday carry world gets me quite as excited as adding a new knife to my collection. But what's even better is when the knife is affordable. I feel like I can use it to the fullest and I don't worry about losing it as much as I do my expensive knives.
So, with that said, today we're going to be talking about a few of the affordable knives that I've come to love in my Everyday Carry rotation. These knives can all be found for $50 or less when they're on sale or at their regular prices.
SAK Cadet shown above with our Nomex Hank & Vinyl Sergeant Wallet
Swiss Army Knife Cadet (Alox)
Perhaps one of the most popular everyday carry knives is the Swiss Army Knife (SAK). I personally LOVE the Alox Edition Cadet. It has the perfect amount and types of tools, it looks fantastic and it takes up very little room in your pocket. The only downside is it can be annoying when it shifts horizontally in your pocket...But that's nothing that a pocket slippy can't fix.
Average Price: $32
Opinel No.9 shown above with our 1000D Sergeant Wallet
Opinel Knives
If you're a fan of old school knives, carbon steel, and natural materials look no further than Opinel Knives. These are without a doubt the most bang for your buck. They hold a wickedly sharp edge, they're easy to maintain, they weigh as little as a graham cracker and they're way underpriced.
Average Price: $10+
Kershaw Blur shown above with our Vinyl Rookie Wallet
Kershaw Blur
In my opinion, the Sandvik Steel Kershaw Blur is the best value if you're looking for a knife around the $50 price point. I've used knives that are quadruple in price and they don't touch the smoothness of the Blur in terms of operation.
If you don't see this knife for $50 or less right now, just be patient. They go on sale fairly often at big-box stores, as well as online.
Average Price: $50 or less
Shown above with our 1000D Sergeant Wallet
How about you guys...What's your favorite budget-friendly knife to carry? Drop us a comment below or tag us on Instagram with our #RecycledFirefighter hashtag!
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