Rejected Fire Hose Story
So I've literally spent the last year looking for two specific colors of hose, Purple and Black. I've looked everywhere from Florida to California to Maine. Those two colors are extremely hard to find in a supply line, so when I heard that a large fire hose manufacturer had some 4" supply line that wasn't fit to be sent to a fire department, well I jumped all over it.
I know thats not a typical avenue for Recycled Firefighter to find hose, but I wanted to give you a chance to hear me out. This hose would otherwise be thrown away, I am still saving this amazing material from the landfill. Although not used in the fire service it still has an amazing story to it. The manufacture of this hose had to literally tell his crew to dig this stuff out of the dumpster after I called him. His employees thought he was crazy, "dig that bad hose out of the dumpster" they said. Yup, and I'm glad they did. Fast forward about a month and I've taken several hundred feet of this stuff and turned it into sweet Black and Purple Sergeant Wallets for your continued enjoyment.
Thank you so much for your continued support of Recycled Firefighter and I know you'll enjoy this rare color, I only have enough hose for a few hundred in these two colors. They may be collectors items some day!