
If you've been looking for a killer EDC Tool Pouch, this is the one! We originally designed this tool pouch for firefighters to carry in their bunker gear pockets. But, soon after we realized just how well it's been working out for normal everyday carry items as well.

Β Β We are so pumped about the announcement of ourΒ newΒ 12 Hour PLUS Bag!Β This is going to be our most versatile backpack yet. So, we wanted to show you guys exactly what this newΒ bag is all about. And while you're here,...
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We're so stoked to be offeringΒ a couple of variations ofΒ the popular Battalion Bags! But with optionsΒ come questions...So we're going to help you all decide if the 24 Hour Bag is right for you, by comparing it to the 12 Hour...
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Today'sΒ the day, folks! We just opened up pre-orders for our brand new Battalion 42 Liter Duffle Bag! You guys have raved about this new duffle bag over on Instagram for months and we couldn't be more stoked for you all...
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We are huge fans of adding a small EDC pouch to your loadout. Whether you clip it onto your belt, throw it in a cargo pocket or toss it into your backpack. Small EDC Pouches, like the Truckie, help keep...
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